
Fadogia XT/Tongkat Ali XT Stack


  • Natural Testosterone & Libido Support Stack
  • Increases in Free & Total Testosterone Levels
  • Improved Libido, Vitality, Sexual Health, & Performance
  • Lean Muscle, Strength, & Improved Recovery
  • Fat Loss & Improved Body-Composition
  • Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being
  • Fadogia XT – Ultra-Potent Fadogia Agrestis Extract
  • Tongkat Ali XT – Ultra-Potent Tongkat Ali Extract std. to min. 2% Eurycomanone

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Natural Testosterone & Libido Support Stack 


Tongkat Ali & Fadogia are two of the most popular and sought after ingredients on the market to support increases in natural testosterone levels and improved libido. 


  • Natural Testosterone & Libido Support Stack
  • Increases in Free & Total Testosterone Levels
  • Improved Libido, Vitality, Sexual Health, & Performance
  • Lean Muscle, Strength, & Improved Recovery
  • Fat Loss & Improved Body-Composition
  • Positive Mood & Improved Sense of Well-Being
  • Fadogia XT – Ultra-Potent Fadogia Agrestis Extract
  • Tongkat Ali XT – Ultra-Potent Tongkat Ali Extract std. to min. 2% Eurycomanone

Fadogia XT is an ultra-pure and ultra-potent form of Fadogia Agrestis that contains 625 mg. per capsule.

Tongkat Ali XT is an ultra-pure and ultra-potent Tongkat Ali extract that is standardized to a minimum 2% Eurycomanone. This potent extract is up to 20x more concentrated than many other common Tongkat Ali extract products.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is Fadogia Agrestis? 

Fadogia Agrestis has a long history of use as a natural testosterone booster and libido enhancer and is commonly used to support peak physical performance, lean muscle, and overall vitality.

Fadogia Agrestis is an herb that is indigenous to Africa that has been used for centuries as a male aphrodisiac and may promote healthy male performance by supporting increases in both free and total testosterone levels, along with improved recovery times.

Unlike many other aphrodisiacs, Fadogia Agrestis has also demonstrated an ability to increase ejaculation latency, potentially allowing men to last longer in bed.

Why Fadogia XT?

Many brands use non-standardized and underdosed versions of Fadogia Agrestis in order to increase their profits and many also use deceptive labeling tactics like putting a mg. dose on the front in big letters to make people think that they’re getting that dosage per capsule, but a closer look would reveal that they are getting that amount ‘per serving’, which could be per 2 or 3 capsules.

What is Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma Longifolia?

Tongkat Ali (also known as Eurycoma Longifolia and Long Jack) is a popular herb that typically grows in countries within Southeast Asia and has been used for centuries for a wide range of benefits including increased libido & vitality, improved sense of well-being, increased testosterone levels, and much more.

What is Eurycomanone?

Eurycomanone is the active compound found in the roots of Tongkat Ali/Eurycoma Longifolia that has been shown to increase the amount of total testosterone and free testosterone available in the bloodstream. At higher concentrations, Eurycomanone may also act as a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor and support improved erection quality.

Eurycomanone content ranges for high-quality extracts start at .5% with the upper attainable limits being around 2.7%. Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali contains a minimum of 2% Eurycomanone and as high as 3% Eurycomanone and each batch of raw materials is tested by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.

Simply put – Eurycomanone is what makes Tongkat Ali work for testosterone, libido, & erection quality support.

What makes Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali Extract so Special?

Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract contains a minimum of 2% Eurycomanone and as high as 3% Eurycomanone and each batch of raw materials is tested by the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) to ensure the levels of several key active ingredients, primarily the Eurycomanone of the extract.

At these strengths, standardized Tongkat Ali can be used as a natural testosterone booster and libido enhancer with high dosages also being used as a PDE5 inhibitor to support improved erection quality.

In addition to its high Eurycomanone percentage, Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract also contains 30 – 38% Glycosaponins, 28 – 32% Polysaccharides, and 18 – 24% Protein – a truly fully disclosed extract.

Also, Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali extract is extracted using ultrasonic hot water extraction to obtain the water-soluble active ingredients (Eurycomanone, polysaccharides, protein, Glycosaponins) and doesn’t use any harsh solvents or chemicals that some brands use in order to try to achieve higher extract ratios while cutting costs.

How does Eurycomanone Boost Testosterone Levels?

Standardized Tongkat Ali, in this case standardized specifically for Eurycomanone has been shown to improve energy and libido and increase natural and free testosterone levels through stimulating the Leydig cells, while also acting to increase ‘free’ testosterone by unbinding it from the inactivating hormone, SHBG. By lowering SHBG, this ultimately increases the amount of bioavailable testosterone that your body can utilize.

Standardized Tongkat Ali/Eurycomanone has also been shown to inhibit aromatase, which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. High serum levels of estrogen can be problematic in males for many reasons, including that high serum levels of estrogen may trick the brain into thinking that enough testosterone is being produced, thereby slowing the natural production of testosterone.

In addition, it has also been shown to help reduce cortisol levels. In one study, a 200 mg. dose for 4 weeks was shown to reduce cortisol levels by 16%. Reducing cortisol levels may help support the body against the detrimental effects of chronic stress, resulting in lower tension, anger, irritability, and improved sense of well-being. It may also help support optimal immune function.

How long does it take to feel the effects of Tongkat Ali XT? 

High dosages of Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali may have dramatic effects on libido in as little as 1 to 3 days while lower dosages may take 1 to 2 weeks to notice the effect.

For those looking for increased testosterone levels and other benefits, Bionutricia® Tongkat Ali Extract should be used continuously for best results.

SNS Tongkat Ali XT contains 300 mg. per capsule of the ultra-potent Bionutricia® extract, which is already considered a high dose and is as much as many people may need. Other individuals may wish to take 2 capsules per day or take two capsules per day for the first week to two weeks and then use one capsule per day thereafter.

Stacking & Synergy:

SNS Fadogia XT & Tongkat Ali XT can be stacked with SNS Anabolic XT, Optimize-T, Anacyclus XT, Recomp20, Furosap XT, KSM-66, Bulbine, Spilanthes XT, or a variety of other SNS products for improved synergistic results.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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